Super Tools Max Invitation 
Get A Free Mailer Upgrade
And Surprise Bonus For Joining

Your gift for joining me at this new
mailer & super tool by Marty Petrizza.

Join Super Tools Max
Email SuperToolsMax Members | Manage Your Ads | Free Monthly Bonus Credits

 Claim Your Bonus Now! 

STEP 1: Join With this link
You must see [Your referrer is Kenny Kolijn].
Don't see this on signup page? Clear your cookies.
Try again following the link from this page.

STEP 2: Claim Your Bonus Here
Send me your SuperToolsMax USERNAME.
Get 1 month TOP upgrade at one of our sites:
Instant Ad Power, List Impact, List Mailer Plus,
Fast List Mailer, List Compass, List Unlocked.
Grab a Lifetime upgrade and get 1 extra month.

PS. My 30 Days Traffic Bonus has ended. You're too late.
My other bonuses remain (mailer upgrade + surprise)

STEP 3: Enjoy your bonus

Bonus Details

 I can't reveal more. It must stay a surprise. You'll want to be a member of our sites when requesting your bonus....


Have A Great Day And Keep Increasing Your Traffic - Kenny Kolijn